Big fan of gautam from twitter reporting of court cases, so hanging around reading all what he writes . I am yet to read gautams the wall my first SF novel and here I am committing to start reading it . It seems to be an amazing world here in SF, especially given how depressing the real world is getting. More power to you all for the alternative possibilities and hope.

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The Baru Cormorant series is soo f**king good as in its crafted soo soo well but ... there's always a but ... it did intuitively feel as if Dickinson may have taken his foot off the pedal, so to speak, as the series forged ahead. To relay but one example ... it felt as if Baru were losing that cold calculating mind of hers—that enticing mind behind the most morally questionable choices—albeit gradually to the inexplicable but wholesome workings of trim.

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